Baby teeth of the dog
The growing up period in puppies is very fast and dynamic. You won’t have time to look around and you’ll already have an adult dog in front of you. But before that happens, your pet has to go through all the stages of maturity. One of them is when your dog’s deciduous teeth fall out.
Or maybe you didn’t know that our pooches have deciduous teeth at all? No wonder, it was a novelty for me too when I took my doggie under my care. Until then, I had never had the opportunity to observe, from the position of the puppy’s main caretaker, its growing-up process.
Therefore, I did not realise how important it is for the health of a puppy that the stage of loss of dog’s milk teeth should go smoothly and without problems. I want to give you a little insight into this topic and tell you more about your dog’s teeth, especially in the case of a young pet.
When your dog’s baby teeth fall out
First of all, it’s worthwhile for you to find out how long milk teeth occur in puppies. Teeth in dogs develop in the process of growing. Consequently, puppies are initially born toothless.
It is only over time that teeth gradually appear in their mouths. Usually, this process starts around the third week of the dog’s life and is gradual, as it also happens with children.
Most commonly, we can see the emergence of all of a dog’s milk teeth around the tenth week of a puppy’s life. However, this is an estimated time. The maturation process in dogs can be faster or slower. It depends on their breed as well as their living conditions.
How long your dog has baby teeth
When should you start worrying about your pet’s milk teeth? First of all, if they do not appear at all in your dog until around 8 weeks of age. It’s true that puppies are born toothless, but by the time they are born, they already have a rootkit in their mouth. What’s more, both milk and permanent ones are already present.
This is why the lack of dog’s baby teeth at a certain moment of a puppy growing up is such a worrying phenomenon. If you notice such a state of affairs in your dog, it is essential to consult a specialist. Do not delay, if your puppy’s teeth have not erupted by this point, you will need the help of a specialist.
Loss of baby teeth in a dog
You already know when your puppy’s first milk teeth appear, and also when this process is completed. You may be asking yourself how long your puppy will have milk teeth before they are replaced by permanent teeth. The replacement of teeth in our pets is very similar to that of children.
Your dog will replace his milk teeth with permanent teeth gradually, one at a time. Usually, the incisors fall out first in puppies and this happens from the third month of a puppy’s life. The situation is similar in the case of premolars and canines, which fall out next.
The later molars appear in puppies, around the fifth month of life. It’s worth mentioning that it’s a type of tooth that doesn’t appear in the form of millipedes in dogs. Therefore, we can assume that this is why they appear in the dog’s mouth at the very end.
The specificity of dogs’ teeth
Most puppies have a total of around 28 milk teeth. Their place with the period is replaced by new permanent teeth. The dog has 42 permanent teeth.
The whole process of our dogs’ milk teeth falling out and being replaced by permanent teeth lasts roughly until the puppy is nine months old. This can be slightly shorter or longer, depending on how quickly your puppy matures.
What to do if your puppy’s milk teeth don’t fall out
In the case of some dogs, it can happen that your puppy’s milk tooth does not fall out. What should you do in this case?
First of all, we should not underestimate such a situation. Baby teeth take the place of permanent teeth. As a result, the permanent tooth may have problems with its proper growth and position in the pet’s jaw.
The structure and specificity of milk teeth are characterized by the fact that it is matched directly to the time in which, on average, such teeth are to serve our dogs. Simply put, they will not fully fulfil their functions after the time in which they should naturally fall out.
Such teeth will deteriorate much faster, which unfortunately may affect the permanent teeth of the dog. They can be the cause of increased bacterial plaque formation, which unfortunately can eventually attack other, healthy teeth. It is, therefore, better for your dog’s health if the remaining milk teeth are removed.
Your dog’s milk teeth – what happens when they fall out
You probably remember well the moment in your life when your dog’s milk teeth fell out. For me it was a very uncomfortable feeling and I definitely don’t remember it well. You are probably wondering how the process of losing milk teeth is perceived by your dog.
First of all, I must tell you one very important piece of information, which for me was very shocking. Namely, most of our dogs milk teeth are swallowed by them while eating. This is a very common phenomenon and, as it turns out, as normal as possible. It does not pose any threat to the health of the dog.
Therefore, having a puppy under our care, it is rare for us to find single milk teeth that have fallen out of our pet. I think I can count on the fingers of one hand the number of baby teeth I have found.
How to spot when your dog’s teeth are starting to fall out
How can you tell when your dog’s teeth are starting to fall out? By observing your pet’s behaviour. If you notice him chewing and biting more, this is a clear sign that his teeth are beginning to fall out.
Remember to provide your dog with toys that he can chew on freely. An example of such a product would be the BULLET throwing rope toy from Bowl&Bone Republic.
During tooth loss, your dog may feel irritable and nervous. This is a perfectly normal reaction. Tooth loss is not one of the most pleasant feelings. What is more, for more sensitive dogs, it can be an uncomfortable feeling.
Tooth loss can make your pet’s gums swollen and very sensitive. Their colour may be reddened. In some cases, your dog may experience bleeding gums during the process of replacing milk teeth.

Dog toy |BULLET red
How to help your pooch when his teeth are falling out
Tooth loss in dogs is a perfectly normal process. You, as a good guardian, can only support your pooch when the replacement of teeth is strongly felt.
Your pooch will have an increased need to chew, so bear this in mind before he takes to chewing on your belongings or furniture.
In most dogs, tooth loss goes unnoticed. What was it like for your pet? Did the replacement of the milk teeth go quickly and painlessly, or was it very stubborn for your dog?