Interesting facts about dogs

dog eats from the duo ceramic dog bowl

What you can learn about a dog by the way it eats

The way your four-legged friend eats a meal can tell you a lot about himself. After passing through very often, dogs eat extremely quickly for fear that someone may take their food away. How your dog eats is very important because you can learn a lot about him this way. His feelings often condition a [...]

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a dog on the grey dog mat

What sounds does a dog make?

Do you know all the sounds your four-legged friend uses to communicate with you? Dogs express their emotions not only by barking and growling. In this post, I also present other sounds your dog makes to convey information. Dogs communicate with other dogs and us using various sounds. Your four-legged friend will express his fear [...]

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a dog on the beige cushion

Does the dog have a sense of time?

Are you wondering how your four-legged friend perceives the passage of time? The passing hours are essential to the dog, but your pet perceives them slightly differently than you might think. Interestingly, dogs perceive the passage of time intensely through their sense of smell. Time plays an essential role in a dog’s life. Although your [...]

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a dog with his guardian in the city walk

Dog’s jealousy – how to deal with it

Do you ever feel that your four-legged friend is jealous of you? That is a prevailing situation when a dog is close to his owner. However, do you know all the problems that can make your dog jealous of you? Can a dog be jealous of his owner? Absolutely. The dog may be jealous of [...]

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a dog on the grey dog mat

How to train an older dog

You have an older dog under your care, and you wonder if training and training a quadruped at his age is a good idea. In this post, you will find my answer to this question. I hope I will help you dispel all your doubts and facilitate the care of a senior dog. Training an [...]

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a small dog on the blanket lying

Can a dog get bored?

I don’t think any of us like boredom. Momentary idleness and relaxation are very pleasant. However, it becomes annoying when it lasts far too long. For your four-legged friend, boredom is also not wholly alien and unknown. A dog’s boredom can be caused by the lack of opportunity to play with other dogs or animals. [...]

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a dog on the grey cushion

Why is my dog howling

Do your four-legged friend howl, and you don’t know why? If so, I have prepared some tips for you regarding this. What could be causing this behaviour in your dog, and how can you fix it? If the dog howls while staying alone at home, it is a symptom of a longing for the guardian. [...]

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a dog in the graphite dog bed

Dog behaving silly – how to control it

Do you know what emotions speak for your canine when he gets stupid? Interestingly, dogs, in this way, express both satisfaction and nervousness, which speaks through them. That is a defensive reaction of a dog who cannot cope with his emotions. The dog’s stupidity is his reaction to the situation or event in which he [...]

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