Dog breeds - Bowl&Bone Republic dog accessories store




Dog breeds

A close look at Golden Retriever

Are you thinking about taking a Golden Retriever into your care, but you don’t know if this breed is right for you? In this entry, I try to bring the characteristics of this breed a bit closer. I focus on the appearance of these dogs and their character and disposition. I hope this helps you [...]

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a dog with his guardian in the city walk

Is a mongrel worse than a purebred dog?

Are you wondering if choosing a mongrel is a good idea in your case? That is a dog breed, and you can safely say one of a kind. In no case can you agree with the statement that a mongrel would be worse than a dog with a pedigree. Nothing could be more wrong. All [...]

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a small dog in the blue dog bed

A closer look at West highland white terrier

Do you dream of a confident dog who fully respects your commands? That’s what the West Highland White Terrier is like. His cheerful and joyful disposition can melt the ice of even the biggest canine sceptic! I am sure this unique dog breed will steal the heart of every dog lover. West terrier, in a [...]

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a dog in the park

Stories of valued and famous dogs that delighted the world

Lesssie, Laika, Balto. We all know these dog names. The history of each of these dogs made them known to almost the whole world. Famous dogs: who are they? Who is your dog for you? Family member? Best friend? Or maybe a companion for sports challenges? Dogs are more than just friendly quadrupeds who happily [...]

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dog sits in the armchair on the lily sleeping bag

A closer look at an Italian Greyhound

An elegant and dignified dog – the Italian Greyhound, will surely steal the heart of every dog lover. His charming personification perfectly harmonizes with an energetic spirit. Italian greyhounds are perfect companions for spending time actively. Italian Greyhound: a brief description Dogs of this breed are exceptionally dignified and distinguished. Their elegant appearance perfectly harmonizes [...]

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a dog in a pin harness

Border Collie – the most crucial information about the breed

Do you want to take care of a dog and wonder if the Border Collie breed is right for you? If so, I have prepared an entry for you fully dedicated to this breed. You will learn from it the Border Collie’s character traits, needs and rules of care. The Border Collie is one of [...]

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The best dog breed for a child

Are you wondering which doggie is best for your child? First, one who will become his best and most devoted friend, who will be patient and understanding towards some of the behaviours of the youngest. It is worth it that you adjust the dog breed to our child’s age. A dog breed for a child: [...]

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a dog in the pink harness

A closer look at Maltese dog

Shiny, soft hair, charming dark eyes – that is the Maltese in full splendour. This cute small doggie will delight you with his fidelity and affection. The Maltese – a short description A small doggy with fair hair and unquestionably charming eyes – this is the Maltese. Dogs of this breed feel most comfortable in [...]

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