Everyday life with a dog

a dog in a yellow raincoat

Walking the dog in the rain

Are walks with your dog on rainy days stressful for you? To avoid this, you must prepare your four-legged friend well for going out together during inclement weather. Thanks to this, walks in the rain will no longer be unpleasant for your pet. A walk with a dog on a rainy day should be, above [...]

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a dog with his guardian in the city walk

When do dogs shed fur the most?

Do you know at what times you can expect the most increased hair loss in your four-legged friend throughout the year? Dogs shed more heavily during transitional periods to prepare for the change of season. Every dog ​​guardian is undoubtedly familiar with the problem of their pet losing hair. At certain times of the year, [...]

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a small dog stands by the cream dog bed

Why does the dog keep walking around the house

Your four-legged friend always walks around the house, and you don’t know why? There can be several reasons for this dog behaviour. Depending on what drives the dog, the ways to deal with this problem will differ. Your dog may constantly be walking around the house because he may not feel like he has his [...]

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a samll dog with a red scarf palys

Is dog training necessary?

Are you wondering if dog training is a type of activity that will work for your pet? I think you may not realize how many advantages dog training brings. Therefore, I will tell you about them and answer whether it is worth training a dog. Dog training is not just about learning new commands. Your [...]

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a small dog sits on the red blanket

Why does the dog not like to play

Your dog doesn’t like to play with his toys, and you don’t know why? If so, I will present some of the most common reasons our pets are reluctant to play. You may be able to find the cause of this behaviour in your dog. Not every dog ​​has to like to play. However, there [...]

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a dog with his guardian in the city

How to pet a dog

Can petting a dog be difficult? It turns out that many dog owners do not quite know how to stroke their four-legged friend. Interestingly, not every dog has to like being petted. Much of this matter depends on the personal preferences of the dog. It would help if you petted your dog only when he [...]

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a dog in a pin harness

Why does a dog bark at cars

Have you ever witnessed a dog barking in front of you at a passing car? I’m sure it is. However, do you know what makes quadrupeds react this way to cars? There can be several reasons for this behaviour by a dog. One of them may be the fear of something unknown. A dog may [...]

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a dog on the grey cushion

How often should you replace the dog’s bed

How can you be sure when to replace your four-legged friend’s bed with a new one? To find out, you must pay attention to some crucial issues. Often a good solution is to replace only the bed cover. It would be best if you replaced the dog bed with a frequency depending on the degree [...]

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