What is dog friendship?
Relations connecting two pooches look different than in the case of people. First of all, the basis of dog friendship is good communication between both pets. Dogs that get along well with each other can derive enormous joy from spending time together. You can say that dog friendship is mutual attachment. Doggy will feel sad when for a long time he will not be able to play with his four-footed friend.
Observing the close relationship between two dogs is a wonderful feeling. You can witness how quadrupeds feel more comfortable in their company. They understand their behavior and can predict their reactions to given situations. They can find together the kind of fun that gives them the most joy. They know the line between scuffles in the form of fun and real conflict.
So what is the basis of dog friendship and how do quadrupeds establish relationships with each other? It’s hard to clearly define what dogs are guided by when choosing their companion. However, we can, based on our pet’s knowledge of the character, initially estimate which pooch will surely appeal to him and will happily play with him.
How do dogs build relationships?
The process of building relationships between two dogs is based on similar interests and the level of temperament on both sides. For dogs, a friend is someone who likes to spend free time similarly as himself. Unfortunately, there is no scientific research that would be aimed at analyzing the relationship between dogs. We can’t say with certainty what is key factor for dogs when choosing their play companions.
However, as a canine guardian, you are certainly able to determine what character traits your dog needs in other quadrupeds. For example, my dog appreciates the fun with mature dogs due to his age. He enjoys toy wrestling the most. He doesn’t like all kinds of races or other games relying on fast running. That is why his favorite friend is a seven-year-old pug who appreciates moments of rest time while having fun together.
Why is it so important to know what playmates our pet likes best? First of all, because under no circumstances should we force the pooch to interact with other or particular dogs. The dog chooses his companion, not us. An attempt to convince him to play with randomly chosen pet, whose personality and character does not suit our pet, can hurt his mood and well-being. Spending time with a dog that is much more active and lively will be tiring for a calmer pet, whose favorite pastime is to relax.
Why is friendship between dogs important?
Are you aware of the importance of relationships with other pets in every pooch’s life? Although you certainly give your pet a lot of love and attention, he still needs relationships with other dogs to be completely happy. The difference between a dog’s friendship with a man and the one that arises between two dogs is huge. Under no circumstances should you underestimate your pet’s social needs.
Certainly, you have often seen joy in the eyes of your quadruped after intense play with another pooch. This, of course, does not mean that the dogs enjoy less activity with us. It is a completely different type of stimuli for him. However, both are equally important.
Doggy deprived of the opportunity to play and spend time with other pets will feel sad and depressed. Even more fun spending time together will make toys that allow you to play the two of us. In this case, Bowl&Bone Republic BULLET rope dog toy will be great. With its help, dogs can play dragging or fetching.

Dog toy |BULLET red
Surely your dog appreciates spending time together, however, the contact with other pets gives him the full opportunity to learn and socialize. By interacting with other dogs, a pet learns certain behaviors in a given situation. Dogs can use different patterns in the form of other dogs to fully understand the rules in the dog’s world.
The process of socialization of the quadruped plays primarily a key role during his puppy period. It is then that the dog is most absorbent of new impressions and stimuli. He is interested in everything unknown and foreign so far. Relations with other pooches will allow him to fully understand what socialization is and living among other animals and people.
The essence of dog friendship
Dog friendship is not just having fun together or rushing around the park. Dogs from each other gain knowledge about the world around them. They learn how to behave and react in given situations. At the same time, they gain knowledge about what attachment is and enjoy being with another quadruped.
Friendship of dogs is a wonderful feeling that can be very strong and endure many inconveniences. Be sure to let me know in the comment about your observations when it comes to building relationships between pooches.