How to tame your dog to water? - Blog Bowl&Bone Republic




How to tame your dog to water?

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The pooches’ approach to water can, in fact, be divided into two extreme groups. The first of them are true enthusiasts. In other words, dogs who love water feel good and confident in it. The group with different views are quadrupeds, which panic when they see the water. Bathing is a bad experience for them, and a walk in the rain is a real torment. This is problematic for you because each time we have to make a small confrontation with our pooch. As well as for our pooch because it’s a stressful situation for it. So how do you tame your dog to water?

Doggy versus water

From a biological point of view, controlled contact with water does not pose any threat to our pets. What’s more, most dogs have an innate ability to swim. When they are in the water, they act instinctively. They move their paws in a way that allows them to stay and move on the water. This does not mean that even if the dog’s swimming ability is genetically determined, it will not feel the fear of contact with water.

Some dog breeds cannot stay on the water surface for too long because of their body build. This mainly applies to dogs that have a fairly large head concerning the rest of their body. This construction prevents them from maintaining balance in the water. Even despite the great efforts, you will not be able to teach the dog to swim independently for a long time. In this case, unsuccessful attempts at learning can contribute to the reluctance to water.

Of course, for some dog breeds water is one of the favourite places to play. Swimming gives them great pleasure, they can spend a lot of time in this way and there will still be a great form of entertainment for them. That is why some dogs support people in water rescue like for example the Newfoundland dog.

The beginning of a water adventure

If your pet loves or even accepts water, and walks in the rain are acceptable to it then you are very lucky! But what if the pooch strongly emphasizes its aversion to water and each bath is a real challenge? I’ll tell you how to convince a dog to the water. First of all, we set a goal that our four-legged friend will be able to achieve. Remember. Don’t expect, that your support and regular exercises will make swimming enthusiast of your dog for sure.

So how do you get a dog to water? Preferably by having fun together. First of all, your close presence will be important for the dog. Then it will know that it is safe and will be able to count on you in a stressful situation. For fun in the water, choose a place with a very shallow bottom. All types of ponds and small water reservoirs where dogs are not prohibited. To start with, choose games that your pet knows and likes very much. It can be retrieving your favourite ball or other toys. Make sure the pooch moves close to the shoreline. Thanks to this, he will know that although his feet are in the water, he can quickly get out of it at any time. The dog will feel more confident if you join him and enter the water while playing.

You will certainly notice that initially, the pooch will be afraid of catching the ball around the water. Having fun, however, will let him forget about it. It is important to accompany the dog at all times. How much time will your little dog need to understand that water is really nothing terrible? Unfortunately, you can’t predict this. You must observe the dog’s behaviour. You will see if his attitude towards water changes and if so at what pace.

Troubles during bathing

If we can convince the little dog that water is fun, then we can try to recreate this atmosphere while bathing. Of course, in the bathtub or shower, we can’t afford to retrieve or run along with the pooches. However, we can try to keep the mood of fun by taking your favourite toy to wash. In addition, remember that a pet who is just getting used to the water still needs to feel your closeness and care for it. Therefore, if you want to cheer up your pooch, don’t leave it alone while bathing. Do not be afraid to hug him while washing, even if as a result your clothes turn out to be completely wet.

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Remember that if the dog is very afraid of water, then each bath is a really stressful experience for him. Your pet’s fear may be less if it has its favourite gadgets nearby. It’s a good idea to prepare your pet’s favourite towel or blanket in which it feels safe.

Doggy walks during the rain

Even if your pet’s fear of water weakens a bit, it doesn’t mean that you should start long walks in the rain from now on. I think you will agree with me that dogs are not eager to use the opportunity to hide from drops of water under an umbrella. This requires that you spend the entire walk right next to your guardian’s leg. As we know well, puppies love to look around and explore the world around them.

If you go for a walk in the rain, decide on routes that will not be wet. In this way, the pooch will not get his hands wet. A good solution will be slightly sheltered places. This will avoid direct contact with rain. After each return from a walk during rainy weather, dry the dog thoroughly. Otherwise, the dog may catch a cold.

An important issue in taming a pooch with water is good preparation. Think about buying a dog jacket that will at least partially protect your dog’s coat from getting wet. I recommend you jackets from the SPIRIT series designed by the Bowl&Bone Republic brand. They will not only protect the pooch from rain but will also give it a stylish and original look.

The water is not so bad

There are situations that the dog has such a fear of water that it will be very difficult to convince him. In such extreme situations, bathing or walking in the rain is fine. Not every dog has to love water and this is the most normal thing. It is up to us to try to tame the pet enough not to be afraid of water. Be sure to write in the comments what are your experiences in taming your dog with water.


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