Porcelaine dog breed guide

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Porcelaine dog – external appearance

Representatives of this breed belong to the group of medium-sized dogs. Their maximum height is about 58 cm and their weight varies up to 30 kg. Porcelain has a white coat with local light red spots.

These spots can be seen mainly on the dog’s ears. The dog coat is quite short, shiny and close to the body. Their eyes are medium-sized with a dark black colour. A long neck harmonizes with a long body and long, standing paws. The tail of the Porcelaine is smooth, quite long and in tune with the rest of the body.

What character characterizes the Porcelaine breed

It is a breed considered to be obedient and rather calm during everyday life. If only his guardian spends enough time with the porcelaine to make him learn basic commands, the results will certainly be very satisfactory.

The dog will obediently obey commands and follow our instructions. This is directly reflected in high intelligence of dogs of this breed. Moreover, they have an excellent sense of smell, as well as a great sense of orientation in the field. This is why this breed used to be used as hunting dogs.

Even though Porcelaine can be very obedient towards their guardian, at the same time they have a lot of energy inside them. When taking care of this breed, it should be kept in mind that we need to provide him with an appropriate amount of exercise and active time spent outdoors.

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Porcelaine breed health and care

The Porcelaine breed is characterised by very good physical condition and health. These dogs do not show any diseases which could be considered typical for this breed. They tolerate temperature changes well, are not particularly sensitive to cold and are not in a high-risk group during hot weather.

Porcelains are dogs in which obesity is very rare. This is due to their genetic predisposition, as well as their love for active ways of spending time.

If you want to keep your dog in good physical and mental condition, you should remember that this breed loves to exercise. It is an inseparable part of their life. Without a proper dose of exercise, the Porcelain will be lethargic and unhappy.

Therefore, when deciding on this breed, special attention should be paid to whether we can provide the dog with a sufficient dose of physical activity. Playing together outdoors is a great way to give your dog exercise, as well as a nice and enjoyable time together. It is also a great opportunity to nurture your relationship and bond together.

In the case of the Porcelaine breed, grooming can be considered easy and pleasant. These dogs do not require any specialised measures. Regular brushing of the coat is the basis for taking care of his neat and radiant appearance.

During the grooming special attention should be paid to the dog’s ears. Due to their non-standard structure, you should take care of their cleanliness regularly. I think it is worth mentioning that this breed loses very little hair. It is surely important information for those, who are disturbed by the presence of dog hair at home in large amounts.

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Which accessories to choose for Porcelaine dog

First of all, let’s focus on the sporty spirit of porcelaine. Without a doubt, it will be easier and more fun for your dog to be active if the accessories you choose are tailored directly to his needs.

For this reason, a harness that does not restrict his freedom of movement should be the basis of your walks. Here the ACTIVE harness line from Bowl&Bone Republic will be perfect. Moreover, the harness is available in six colours: red, grey, pink, yellow, blue/navy and beige, which will go perfectly with a light porcelain coat.

Being active is not just about long walks and hikes. The Porcelaine can also use his energy for play.

Nothing is more fun and playful than mascots filled with rustling material. ROY dog toy or FELIX from Bowl&Bone Republic guarantees great fun for hours. The nice touch, yet very sturdy material perfectly harmonises with the rustling interior.

After an active day, the Porcelaine will need time to rest and recuperate. The basis for a successful nap is a comfortable bed to give your dog maximum sleeping comfort. BLISS dog sleeping bags from Bowl&Bone Republic are sure to steal the heart of every pet.

Its functionality and original design make it a one-of-a-kind bedding. Your dog can take a nap either lying down directly on the sleeping bag or hiding in its pocket-like interior. Isn’t it great that your dog has complete freedom in this matter? The sleeping bag is available in three unique colours: ocean, ecru and pink.

Is the Porcelaine breed suits you?

If you are keen to be able to spend active time with your pet, then the Porcelaine will be a great choice for you. These dogs appreciate the time spent with their guardian. An additional advantage here will be the ease in the training of these dogs.

There is no denying that the Porcelaine looks extremely cute, has a very distinctive and unique appearance. And what is your opinion on this breed? Do you have a Porcelaine in your care?


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