Are you considering taking your second four-legged friend into your care? It is a massive responsibility for the guardian but a great dose of the dog’s love and friendship. I hope this article will tell you what decision you should make in this situation.
Many dog handlers with one dog are considering taking another dog under their care. First, the two dogs are learning great responsibility from the owner. The dogs create a beautiful relationship, learn from each other and spend time together.
What will you learn from this article:
- Having two dogs is a huge responsibility
- Puppies can become best friends
- Dogs learn from each other different behaviours and habits
Have more than one dog
The idea of taking a dog under my care was one of the best decisions of my life. I gained not only a pet but also a best friend. Today I cannot imagine starting the day in any other way than a walk with my dog. Spending time together gives me a lot of joy and happiness. If you also have a doggy under your care, you know exactly what I am talking about.
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have not one but two dogs? It sounds like a perfect life plan to me. However, it is worth bearing in mind that two dogs are also a huge responsibility; not every dog guardian is ready for it.
Therefore, I would like to answer why it is worth having more than one dog, for whom such a decision will be a good idea and for whom it will not be.
Are you a good guardian canine?
I’m sure I know your answer to this question well. However, I would like you to think about it carefully and answer it completely honestly. I know you want the best for your dog, and I have no doubts about it. Sometimes, however, our life and daily duties mean we cannot devote as much time to our four-legged friend as he needs.
So consider whether you spend enough time playing with your dog. Are your walks long enough to give your dog enough exercise on a given day? It is essential to answer how much time you spend outside the house during the day. Is your dog left alone for too long?
If you doubt the above questions, try to improve your relationship with the one you already have before you think about your next dog. For dogs, our interests and attention are vital. Then they feel loved and appreciated. Therefore, before taking your second dog, create a good relationship with your pet.
Why it is worth having more than one dog
The answer to these questions seems very obvious and logical. The more dogs you have, the more four-legged friends you gain. Of course, this is the correct answer, and I fully agree with it. However, I would like to tell you about others; I think the less important reasons are the advantages of having more than one dog.
I am curious about the advantages of having two dogs that come to your mind. Please write me your answer by depriving me of a comment at the end of the article.
Learning responsibility
Having two dogs is a huge responsibility. As a dog guardian, you have twice as many responsibilities. After all, the happiness and health of your four-legged friends depend on you.
The ability to meet the needs of two dogs requires developing good time management skills, regularity and sound decision-making.
Having more than one dog under your care teaches responsibility. That is essential if you want both of your dogs to feel equally loved and noticed by you.
Dog Friendship
You cannot compare the relationship between two dogs to anything else. A dog’s friendship is a great bond. Yes, I’m sure you are critical of your pet. However, contact with another dog is an entirely different type of relationship. Often, unfortunately, it is underestimated and overlooked, and this is one of the basic needs of your four-legged friend.
Having two dogs creates a foundation for your pets to become your best friends. Thanks to this, they can count on each other in many situations.
Dogs’ play is entirely different from your time with your dog. Your four-legged friends understand each other more. They see what games are the most satisfying for them at a given moment. I love watching my four-legged friend play with his dog friend Frania. Then you can see great joy in his eyes.
Dog toy |BULLET blue
Dog’s separation anxiety
As a dog guardian, you certainly know very well what separation anxiety means for a dog. However, if you do not know much about this subject, I refer you to my post devoted entirely to discussing this issue.
Having two dogs is less likely to suffer from separation anxiety than having one dog left alone at home. Therefore, if you are often not at home due to the specificity of your work, taking care of not one but two dogs is worth considering. Thanks to this, they can spend their free time together during your absence.
However, I would like to highlight a specific pitfall that may arise in such a situation. Because you have two dogs, even if you are not at home, they have each other, but it does not mean you are allowed to leave the dogs alone at home for a long time.
Even if your dogs are very fond of each other’s company and have a great time, that doesn’t mean they don’t need your presence. The relationship between the two dogs is entirely different, and the bond between the dog and his guardian. Therefore, this is a terrible idea if you consider taking a second dog just so your pet does not feel lonely when you leave the house.
Dogs learn from each other
Dogs learn new skills during joint training with their handler, but not only. Quadrupeds take a large part of their knowledge, habits and behaviours from other dogs. Interestingly, learning new skills by recreating the other dog’s behaviour is very fast.
That is why it is so important to teach your dog basic commands and correct behaviours from the time he is a puppy. Taking care of another dog later guarantees that his training will be much easier for you. A lot of your little dogs will keep a peek at their older siblings.
However, it is worth realizing that dogs learn good and bad things from each other. Therefore, please pay attention to your canine with whom he spends time. Otherwise, you may have a look at the habits that may not be exactly right for you.
Caring for several dogs
I will not deny that caring for more than one dog is a real challenge. It’s good to know both the pros and cons. Nevertheless, I am sure that the enormity of the love you will experience will reward you for all your hardships.
Do you have more than one dog under your care? Or maybe you are wondering about it? Please write me your answer in the comment below.
If you have any questions or want me to discuss a topic in the next post, share it with me in the comments section.